Thursday 24 February 2011


Dear all,

It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that yesterday afternoon Shri Mataji left Her physical body.

Shri Mataji will be laid in state in the apartments of Palazzo Doria, Cabella Ligure from Friday, 25th February to Saturday, 26th February. All Sahaja Yogis who wish to pay their last respects to our Beloved Mother and to have Her Holy Darshan may do so between 8 am and 8 pm on both days.

Could you kindly distribute this message within your collective and inform everyone that they are requested not to come to Genova but to go to Cabella directly.

With love,
Your Italian brothers and sisters

UPDATE: if you arrive ONLY on the Genoa airport and ONLY on Friday or Saturday, you can register by email for the pick-up service that will be organised.

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