Friday 25 February 2011

Holy Darshan (New Delhi)

New Delhi, 25 February 2011
All Trustees/Special Invitees/State and City Coordinators & Joint Coordinators
Dear All,
In continuation of the email of 24th Feb February 2011 regarding Darshan of Param Pujya Shri Mataji , keeping in view the intense desire of Sahaj Yogis from all over India, following is clarified:
1. Her Holy Darshan will start from 1130 hrs on 27th February 2011 (Sunday) till 1230 hrs of 28th February 2011 (Monday). The Darshan will be open throughout the night of Sunday.
2. After the Darshans are over on Monday afternoon, Param Pujya Shri Mataji will be immortalized in a Samadhi at Nirmal Dham, New Delhi.
3. Sahaja Yogis can have the Holy Darshan of Her Samadhi on any day their after.
4. In view of limitations of space, Sahaja Yogis are advised to leave Nirmal Dham, New Delhi after Darshan.
5. The complete event will be webcast live and can be seen at
6. For any clarifications / queries following are the contact details:
a)      Shri Desraj Kaundal    - 09811072035
b)      Shri A.K.Mahajan       - 09968316746
c)      Shri M.C Chaudhary   - 09868506400
d)      National Trust Office  - 011-26534769
With regards,
Dinesh Rai
Joint Vice Chairman
H.H.Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga Trust C-17,Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016. Tel:011-26534769 Fax:-011-26534771

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