Monday 21 February 2011

Public Program in Vashi

By grace of Shri Mataji, we are getting a stall to conduct PP in Uttarachal Seminar taking place in Vashi on coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If you remember last year also we had got this opportunity for three days, wherein many seekers, including children had receieved their self-realisation.

Most importantly, this time we are getting half an hour time on the stage to give en-mass realisation to the mob (1000+) present there on sunday. We got the final permission bit late hence informing you late.

Still request you to kindly circulate the message so that as many sahajyogies as possible can attend the program. Especially nearby collectivity from Vashi- Kopar khairane.

Prgram Venue: Vashi Ground, beside Raghulila Mall, Near Vahsi Station
TIme: 6 PM to 9.30 PM
Days: Friday, Sat, Sun (25, 26, 27th February)
Contact person: Geetika Tewari didi (program arranged through her reference): 9819037388
Rajeev Tewari: 9819652385
Other contact: 9867318771

With nirmal love
Abhay Amlekar
Mobile: 9867318771

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