Friday 18 March 2011

Eternal Connection with Our Mother in IRAQ

Dear Family,

In order fulfill our Mother's Vision, Sahaja Yogis of Turkey has organized the 4th Realize Iraq Tour between 25-28 of February 2011.

This was a tour of complete surrender, thoughtless and doubtless awareness, an eternal connection with our Holy Mother. A true expierence of Nirvichara and Nirvikalpa samadhi not only with the Sahaja Yogis but with the whole.

There are no words to express our gratitude to our most Holy Mother Shri Mataji for Her Divine Play which made it possible to be in the loving company of brothers and sisters at this most difficult transition period for all of us Sahaja Yogis. The dynamic of this Iraq tour together with the flood of vibrations and miracles which we all were blessed with, was like being carried in the Mother's lap with such love, care and protection which has no boundaries at all. Every small thing was so nicely arranged and looked after by Shri Mataji for all of us that we could never feel any problems or any insecurity at all on the whole Tour.

With the blessings of Our Holy Mother, around 1000 Iraqian seekers received their Self-realization during 2 TV programs, 1 Kindergarten and 3 Shopping Mall Programs.

Eternal Connection with Our Mother in IRAQ

Jai Shri Mataji!
Sahaja Yogis of Turkey

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