Monday 28 March 2011

Summer Events in Cabella 2011 (message from Foundation)

We are delighted to receive the news that celebration of the International Pujas in Cabella has been confirmed, at least up until Navaratri Puja this year. We would like to take the opportunity to inform you that all the other events taking place in Cabella this summer are also confirmed:

Wellness Camp – 19th June to 15th July
a unique opportunity to have all your needs looked after as you dedicate time to yourself and focus on cleansing your subtle body and deepening your state of meditation

Arts Academy – 19th to 29th July
a safe haven for people who aspire to forms of artistic expression that enrich and elevate the human spirit and an opportunity to create intercultural encounters in which artistic expression is harnessed to integration and spiritual growth

Festival of the Culture of the Spirit – 30th/31st July
A two-day festival addressed to the non-sahaja world with a view to help people approach their spiritual seeking through the rediscovery of its essence through art, handicrafts, music, dance and theatre.

Daglio Childrens Camp – dates to be confirmed
Sahaja Yoga culture and the companionship of other Sahaja Yogis of their age-group can be discovered and enjoyed by our children in a beautiful natural setting where the focus is on enjoyment and collectivity.

World Centre Festival – 22nd to 26th August
A great collective event between the Krishna and Ganesha Pujas, full of opportunities for exchanging experiences, learning from each other and simply enjoying each other’s company. It is also be a profoundly spiritual experience in which each one of us can deepen the connection with our beloved Mother and reflect on how to better bring Sahaja Yoga to the seekers of this world

We look forward to meeting up with you all this summer.
World Foundation News Team

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