Tuesday 12 April 2011

International Sahasrara Puja Invitation

We, the Sahaja Yogis of the International Sahasrara Puja hosting countries humbly invite you to join us in the offering of our love, devotion and gratitude to our Divine Mother on the most auspicious occasions of Sahastrara Puja 2011.

By the grace of our Holy Mother, Param Pujya Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, the celebrations will take place in the Nirmala Nagar, Cabella Ligure, Italy, from the 6th to 8th May 2011. Transcending our limited ideas, points of view, other limitations and conditionings, let’s join together as ONE collective body at our Holy Mother’s Divine Lotus Feet and celebrate the glory of the Supreme Goddess, “Queen of Sahasrara”.

The hosting countries have invited Ajit Kadkad, regarded by our Holy Mother as the sangeet Gandharva (Divine musician), for the Saturday evening program to sing and praise the glory of Our Holy Mother. May our collective worship of Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi as the Queen of Sahasrara bring all of us together and may we become by Her Grace the dawning lights of the New Era, which She has so beautifully described.

Please visit the dedicated website where you will find detailed information about the organisation of the Puja. In particular we refer you to the Puja Fee which has been restructured to make it easier for people to participate and to understand better how their money is being spent.

Another important change is that everyone is required to pre-register for the puja using this website. Meals will be provided only to those people who have food tokens which will only be available to people who have pre-registered. We humbly ask for your collaboration in this effort to manage the kitchens better and waste less food.

We look forward to welcoming you all and sharing with you this Divine joy on the most auspicious occasion of the first Sahasrara Day Puja to the absolute Nikarara aspect of our Holy Mother after Her Maha Samadhi.

With love and respect,

Czech, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Germany, Austria

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