Tuesday 5 April 2011

Message from SWAN

Cabella School: 2011 Admissions

Admission to year 1 of Cabella International Sahaja School is open to Sahaja Yogi children around the world, for the 2011/2012 scholastic year.

CABELLA SCHOOL: Teachers and Assistants Wanted from September 2011
Cabella International Sahaja School is seeking to appoint two Primary School Teachers and two Class Assistants from September 2011.

Meta Modern Era now available on iPad
Meta Modern Era by Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi is a loving, compelling and powerful book that introduces a tangible spiritual breakthrough for the 21st century — spontaneous Self Realization through Sahaja Yoga meditation — which opens a new dimension in human awareness.

Summer Events in Cabella 2011
We are delighted to receive the news that celebration of the International Pujas in Cabella has been confirmed, at least up until Navaratri Puja this year.

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