Tuesday 12 April 2011

Shri Rama's birth anniversary (from the Foundation)

Jai Shri Mataji !Dear Sahaj brothers and sisters,

Today is the birth anniversary of Shri Rama. On this holy occasion we offer our humble pranams to the lotus feet of our Holy Mother Shri Mataji and pray to her to bless all of us with the divine qualities of Shri Rama. We also wish to bring to you the full talk of Shri Mataji during Shri Rama Puja in Les Avants, Switzerland on 4th January 1987.

"Today we are celebrating in Switzerland the coronation of Shri Rama on Dussehra Day. Many things happened on Dussehra Day. The most important was that Shri Rama was coronated as a king on this day. He also killed Ravana on this day. Many may say that "how can it be He killed Ravana and He was coronated on the same date?" In those days in India, we had supersonic aeroplanes and, is a fact, and the aeroplane's name was Pushpak, meaning "the flower". It was called as Pushpak and it has a tremendous speed. So after killing Ravana He came to Ayodhya with His wife and that was the day He was crowned"Read more>>>

With love and respect,
Sahaj Gyaan Team.

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