Thursday 7 April 2011

Trip to India (from Sebastian)

I arrived in India on 1st March just the day after the Samadhi ceremony. We went directly to Nirmal Dham.

There were so many flowers and strong vibrations. Each of us we offer to the Mother a rose and contemplated for a while. I left the most sacred spot on Earth in the same state of meditation as I had in the last days since the Mother decided to leave the physical body.

This trip we travel a lot but whatever you may visit there is no satisfaction as the sahaj meetings/events.

We visit for example Dehradun and saw their ashram which is under construction. Is very well placed around Dehradun on the hills with lots of trees around. Building is having the shape of a hangar which can bring together 4-500 sahaja yogis.

Shivaratri and Birthday Puja we celebrate in a town from the north of India. We had a havan one week before where it was nice to see that in the beginning of the havan sahaja yogis offer flower petals to the havan place and then started the fire.

On Shivaratri Puja me and my wife were invited to perform the Puja together with another married couple. We offer water combined each time with rose water on the silver shoes of Mother. Then 2 yuva shakti girls offer the Amrut (which was already mixed).

I was impressed by the way they sing. All the sahaja yogis singing with loud voice amplifying the devotion for Mother.

Last trip was to Dharamshala. Whenever I go to ISPS I have very good experiences. The meditations that senior students are conducting are wonderful. They use to sing bhajans during the meditation increasing the power of cleaning the chakras.

Also we participate to a havan where 5 new parents and 5 new children were invited in the front. Second day there was a public program for the local people. Program was done in the free space near the Mother temple in front of the hotels. About 100 people got their Realisation. The atmosphere was intense and full of vibrations with the snowy mountains in the background.

Some photos taken during the trip are available at:

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