Thursday 5 May 2011

Daglio Children's Camp 2011

Dear Young Sahaja Yogis, Parents, Aunties and Uncles from All Over the World,

It is our great joy and honour once again to invite all Sahaja Yogi’s between 8 and 14 years old to join the very international and fun-loving collective of Daglio for the camp of 2011.

The much awaited camp will have a very special theme “Our Mother’s Life and Her Vision”. This theme will be featured in all activities creative and athletic. We will also enjoy the usual escapades to the waterfalls nearby and effortlessly broaden our awareness and deepen our Sahaj bond through collective meditation, bhajans and treatments.

Shri Mataji’s house on the hills near Cabella, in the beautiful Italian countryside, will host two camps this year:

The Boys camp will start after Guru Puja on Monday 18 July to Wednesday 3 August.

The Girls camp will start Wednesday 3 August and end on Shri Krishna Puja weekend Friday 19 August.

Places are limited to 70 children for each camp so please let us know by 9 July if you are coming. We strongly recommend that you come for the whole duration of either camp. Unfortunately, we will not be able to take anyone staying for less than 10 days.

If you have been to a Daglio Camp before you know that you have to come back! If you haven’t then it’s time you experience for yourself: inhaling the fresh mountain air in the mornings, getting to know other children your own age, the magical evenings around the campfire, learning new arts and crafts, and of course those amazing vibrations every day!

HELP NEEDED: Country Co-ordinators: If you could act as the central point of contact between the Daglio organisers and the parents in your country, we’d love to hear from you, please write to us today at

Enthusiastic, hard-working adults who enjoy being part of a team can come to help as Aunties and Uncles. Yuva Shakti aged 16+ who want to organise or help with activities would be a great asset to the camp and set a glowing example for the whole Daglio family.

Costs for children will be as usual - around 20 euro per day, with reductions for the second, third and fourth child from the same family. There are special reduced fees for African, Eastern European, Middle Eastern and South American countries as well as India.

To register please read the information sheet, download the official registration forms and complete the online preliminary registration at

Be sure to check out the impressions of previous camps on the website too!!!
Jai Shri Mataji and see you in Daglio!

With love from
Daglio Coordinating Team 2011

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