Saturday 21 May 2011

The Search For The Divine Mother - now free

The amazing book of Gwen, The Search For The Divine Mother,  is now available for free on iPad and as a PDF.

More details and download here:


This book looks at our religion and spirituality from a historical viewpoint.

Many traditions attach great importance to the feminine dimension of the Divine. It is She who is said to give liberation, spiritual rebirth, that is to say Union with the Self. The most significant example is the knowledge of the Kundalini in India.

We may wonder why the Western religions have attributed an exclusively masculine, patriarchal character to the Divine. Several thousand years ago, was not the only form of Divinity, the object of veneration, feminine and maternal?

What is responsible for this neglect, this confiscation? Has the original message of these religions been distorted to the point that we are today unaware of the Mother-Goddess?

And could the Age of Aquarius, which is said to mark a change of consciousness on a spiritual level, perhaps be the moment where humanity is able to re-discover this awareness of the Universal Mother?

This book offers answers to these topical questions.

More details here

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