Friday 25 March 2011

2011 Puja Dates and Venues Confirmed

Message from Shri Mataji World Foundation

Many of us recently returned from Cabella where we celebrated the Birthday Puja and the Shivaratri Puja. It was a very profound occasion, full of vibrations which we are sure you must have experienced as well.

It was also an occasion for us all to reflect on our love for Cabella and its significance not just for us but also for future generations, who will go there to experience the unique spiritual quality of a place in which the Adi Shakti performed more than 100 pujas. The importance of Cabella for the future of Sahaja Yoga is clear to us all and the 800 people attending the Birthday Puja (more than last year) was quiet confirmation of this.

So we are writing to you to confirm a decision made collectively by national coordinators, to keep the international puja calendar for 2011 unchanged. There was unanimous agreement that the calendar and the division of hosting countries should remain the one that was blessed by Shri Mataji on the 17th February 2011 and duly published on SWAN and on the Foundation website.

Name Puja Day Hosting Countries
SAHASTRAR PUJA 6-7-8 May Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria
ADISHAKTI PUJA 10-11-12 June
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, France, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden and the Baltics
GURU PUJA 15-16-17 July Bulgaria, India, Iran, Italy, Portugal, Russia, Turkey and Switzerland
KRISHNA PUJA 19-20-21 August The three Americas
& marriages
26-27-28 August
Australia, Romania, Russia, New Zealand ,China, Hong Kong,
Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore,Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
NAVRATRI PUJA 30 Sept & 1-2 Oct. Israel, Greece, South Africa, Cyprus, Ukraine, UK
We will decide what happen after this, once we have had the chance to reflect a little more and hear what others feel. In the meantime we look forward to meeting up with everyone in Cabella. The hosting countries for Sahasrara Puja are already preparing to receive everyone and the Foundation will shortly be sending us news about the Arts Academy, Daglio Childrens Camp, the Wellness Camp and the World Centre Festival.

With love and respect,
National Coordinators and Council Members

1 comment:

Shraddha said...

Thanx.plz also snd like ths msg.jsm.