Tuesday 1 March 2011

A testimonial from Nirmal Dham (by a Russian yogi)

Nirmal Dham was chosen to be Samadhi place. Nirmal Dham is a land near
New Delhi. It belongs to Indian sahaja yogis. In 2003 there was a
Birthday puja and last years it has been used for local city pujas.


The stone shrine was built on the right side of the puja stage. It was
built within 2 days. Mostly it was built by sahaja yogis, only stone
masons were hired from outside. Yogis were making cement, carrying it,
making a fill etc. After that the gallery was built around the shrine.

Shri Mataji was brought to India from Milan via direct flight on
Sunday. She was escorted by 30 yogis from Cabella. By that time tens of
thousands Sahaja yogis came to the capital of India and some even from
abroad. The preparations were done for 100 thousand yogis. The pedestal
was built before the stage. The coffin was decorated with white dahlias
(georgina), white asters and white lilies.


People were going to Nirmal Dham for the whole day and for the whole
night. The road was blocked from 2 kilometers, from that point there
were only buses. But when people were coming closer to Nirmal Dham they
felt fully covered with vibrations. The rose petals for offering were
given for everybody who entered. It was clearly seen that the sorrow
vanished away from the faces of people when they entered to Nirmal
Dham. On the way back we could see yogis smiling and joking as if they
were coming from the festival. Shri Mataji gave us beautiful comfort!


The last puja was scheduled for Monday. This time there were much less
yogis, so the yogis were allowed to stay inside, there was not need to
go outside immediately. Everything for the ceremony was ready by
afternoon. Shri Mataji's relatives arrived: Sir C.P., daughters,
grandchildren, Shri Mataji's brother N.K.P.Salve and Her sister -

After speeches by Indian trustees, Sir C.P. and mr. Salve many yogis
were in the verge of tears.

Shri Mataji's grandson, Anand, invited yogis from different countries
to carry the coffin - one person from a country. I was fortunate to be
one of them. Also yoginis were invited although it is in contrary with
Hindu and Christian traditions, but Anand decided that this moment is
beyond conditions. While going I was constantly remembering my brothers
and sisters from Russia who were not with me at that time. It was a
really strong feeling.

The ceremony ended at around 6 p.m. Many yogis saw that time that in
the sky there is a very clear Omkara. After half an hour we saw Omkara
and Swastika. Other clouds took the shape of galactic. Today in the sky
there was a very clear face of Shri Mataji. She was with Her eyes
closed and a smile on Her face. There was a clear bindi on Her forehead.

"So this is the second era we have started, and you should not be
shocked if you see Me sitting on your bed and putting My hand on your
head, or you may see Me in the form of Christ walking into your room,
or as Shri Rama. That has to happen, so you should be prepared." -
Shri Mataji, 5.05.1984

Jay Shri Mataji
Evgeny Bezeka



Unknown said...

Jai Shri Mataji...Thanks for sharing all this... can u send those miracle photos of sky which ur talking above in Nirmal Dham -Delhi...JSM

Unknown said...

jai shri mataji..thanx for sharing this...

pooja said...

jai shree mataji,
thanks for sharing all this same as other ...........if possiable send the miracle photos of sky which u r talking above in nirmal dham jai shree mataji

Jasmine said...

Jai Sri Mataji .. :)

Evgeny.. thanks a ton for writing this for all of us..

I can imagine the sky ..

If possible .. pls post the miracle photographs of the sky .. would love to see them..

Jai Sri Mataji.. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for giving a soft, smooth & eye-filling note on the Final Departure of our Dear Mother. Jai Shri Mataji !