Tuesday 19 April 2011

Audio Video Books Newsletter - Easter Puja 2011

Jai Shri Mataji!

Dear Sahaj Brothers and Sisters,

As we celebrate Easter this weekend in this New Era that was prophesized by our Beloved Mother H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, we wish to strengthen your efforts to seek the inner guidance through the DVDs and the Books of Her Divine teachings on this holy occasion of Easter Puja 2011.

New Releases during the Easter Celebrations 2011

New DVDs Releases
Subtitled DVDs:
For a full Product catalogue, kindly Click here>>>

New Book releases

Existing DVDs related to Easter
With Subtitles
Audio Titles related to Easter
Sahaj Audio / Video Downloads
There is no more waiting to get your favourite Audio/Videos of our beloved Mother. Just in a few clicks you can download a number of titles from our online store.
For example : Easter Puja 2007 Pratishthan, Pune, India is available for download.
For more downladable titles Click here>>>

Compact Sahaj Video Pack with Subtitles
Sahaj Gyaan is also glad to announce the COMPACT SAHAJ VIDEO PACK of newly digitised tapes of Shri Mataji. It contains electronic multi-language subtitled Videos of Shri Mataji's talks and events in optimal resolution in compact sized hard drives for personal accompaniment.Learn more>>>

To buy online you need to first register online in our online store. Register now>>>.
If you have any queries, kindly write to sahajgyaan@gmail.com, we would be glad to answer you.
Wishing you a very vibrant and joyful celebration of the puja!
Thank you very much.
With love and respect,
Sahaj Gyaan Team.

Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi Sahaja Yoga World Foundation
email: sahajgyaan@gmail.com
Visit Online store: www.sahajaworldfoundation.com

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