Monday 18 April 2011

Message on Hanuman Jayanti (Birth Anniversary) - from the Foundation

Jai Shri Mataji !
Dear Sahaj brothers and sisters,

Today is the birth anniversary of Shri Hanumana. We wish to bring you the message of Our Holy Mother on two occasions;

"So how much He gives us. I mean, we can say if Ganesha gives us the wisdom, then He gives us the power to think. He protects us also, that we should not think of bad things. That is, we can say that, that if Ganesha gives us the wisdom, then Shri Hanumana gives us the conscience." read more>>>

"It is such a joy today, and the whole atmosphere seems to be bubbling with it, as if the angels are singing. And the speciality of Hanumana was that He was an angel. Angels are born like angels. They are angels, and they are not human beings. They're born with the angelic qualities. But now, you all have become angels from the human beings. It's a very great achievement of Sahaja Yoga. The qualities that are born with the angels are seen from their very childhood." read more>>>

With love and respect,
Sahaj Gyaan Team.
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