Friday 15 April 2011

Black and White photos

Dear sisters and brothers 

Good news: you can download in high resolution black and white photos of Shri Mataji from the late 70s -early 80s please go to

There is a little story behind this

In the early nineties Shri Mataji asked me to go to Shudy Camps and collect all Her photos which were with Her personal mail.

While doing this I found a small envelope with Her passport photos when I was in India a year later I went to the address of the photo shop printed on the envelope. I asked the owner if he has more photo and he replied "Oh yes ,we have many photos of Mataji". Then he brought a little tin box with over a hundred negatives.

I ordered a set of prints and showed the album to Shri Mataji She looked at every page with a big smile in Her Face and said with a
laugh:"I did not age much" And then: "Get the negatives !"

I went back to the shop and told the owner that Shri Mataji wants the negatives after a short negotiation he gave a price and with the support of a few yogis i bought the negatives and scanned them in Canada.

Right now they are with the World Foundation
enjoy the photos
all my love


Anonymous said...

Hi Lothar,

this Picture doesn't seem to work -->
Could you possibly fix it?
Thank you very much

Dragos said...

you are right it doesn't work. We'll upload it again. Please try in couple of days