Friday 29 April 2011

Divine Cool Breeze: Project 1008 - start something

Start something new. Win a Divine Cool Breeze subscription. It's that simple.

If you plan to start a Sahaj project, we would like to hear about it.

Tell us and you could win a free subscription.

We'll soon pass 1008 subscriptions and we want to celebrate by giving away twenty-one free subscriptions. And we want to give them to new projects, new ideas, new ways of spreading Sahaja Yoga.

Tell us what you plan to do. It has to be a new project, something not yet launched, something you have just dreamed up, some new, innovative and Sahaj.

It could be as simple as a blog, as inspiring as a school. It could be anything that brings Sahaja Yogis together — a class, a song or a video, a library, a gardening group or daycare.

Tell us and we will tell our more than 2100 newsletter subscribers what you are up. Good ideas need to be shared. And we will send you a subscription that you can use in your new project or pass on to others.

Remember your idea has to be new, a seed just ready to sprout.

Join us us as we celebrate 1008. And inspire the world.

Our email:

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