Monday 2 May 2011

Sahaja Yoga Tour of Indonesia and upcoming Tour of China

Dear Yogis,

Spreading self realisation is one of the greatest observances of our spiritual awakening and one of our  great rights, and responsibilities, as Shri Mataji's children. As Yogis we spread the seeds of truth in the hope that Sahaja Yoga may spring forth in new fertile soils and reaching seekers who have never had their chance to receive their self realisation.

A group of 50 Yogis from Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and the region, together with 'Bhakti', the music group of Perth are currently undertaking a major Tour of Indonesia. Links from the programs so far concluded from the Tour are included, to share this news with the collective.

The Tours are the expression, and the desire of Sahaja Yogis to join together, harnessing their passion, courage, and personal commitment, in the spirit of the great Touring traditions given to us. Planning is also well under way for the Tour of China from the 23rd of Sep  to the 10th of Oct. 20 Yogis, including Music of Joy are booked to attend. All Yogis who wish to join the coming China Tour are welcomed.


The Realise the World Team
Jai Shri Mataji!

News and photos from the current Realise the World tours of Indonesia and recent efforts by the new Yuvas of Bangladesh are now available. Please go to:

1. Indonesia Tour, Denpasar Bali – Day 2 (Fri Apr 22, 2011)

2. Indonesia Tour, Surabaya Java – Day 3 (Sat Apr 23, 2011)

3. Indonesia Tour, Surabaya Java – Day 4 (Sun Apr 25, 2011)
Happy Easter to all! Today we jumped on the bus in the morning and headed to Andy’s residence and gathered upstairs to celebrate Easter Puja together. This was the first Puja to be held in Surabaya, something special for both the local yogis and for Sahaja Yoga worldwide. The energy was very festive and the [...]

4. Indonesia Tour, Yogyakarta Java – Day 5 (Mon Apr 26, 2011)
Travel day today – a 12 hour bus journey between Surabaya and Yogyakarta, so it’s meditation, breakfast, hurry scurry and pack. Goodbyes are said to those we leave behind for now. Andy sent us off with many kind words and wishes and as we are about to depart our new French friend Nico comes to [...]

5. Self Realization progresses in Bangladesh

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