Monday 16 May 2011

Shri Buddha Purnima (from Shri Mataji Foundation)

e Newsletter
"No one can cheat you because there is some higher force, which is looking after you. This is the way we should understand Buddha. This is, we should know our Buddha qualities. This is how our ego can be dissolved. When you say,"Mother, we surrender to You."
-Her Holiness Shri Mataji Nirmal Devi, Buddha Purnima Puja 1991 - Belgium

Jai Shri Mataji !
Dear Sahaj brothers and sisters,

Tuesday 17th May 2011 is "Buddha Purnima day", the full moon day which commemorates the birth of Shri Buddha who controls the Right Agyna, the Ego. On this holy occasion we offer our humble pranams to the lotus feet of our Holy Mother Shri Mataji and pray to her to bestow upon us all the divine qualities of Shri Buddha. On this auspicious occasion, we wish to bring to you, the holy message of Shri Mataji on the occasion of  Shri Buddha Puja in Deinze, Belgium on 8th August 1991.

Mother's talk :
“Today, we have assembled here to do puja to Buddha. As you know Buddha was a son of a king. And one day He was shocked to see a very poor man, thin man, walking on the street, very unhappy person, and He felt very sad about it. 
To read further, kindly click here>>>

Wishing you a vibrant and joyful Buddha Purnima Celebration !

With love and respect,
Sahaj Gyaan Team.
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