Monday 16 May 2011

Theatre of Eternal Values tour in Turkey a triumph!

Dear all,

Our Sahaj theatre company, Theatre of Eternal Values, has just finished its latest tour in Turkey, showcasing Eternity in an Hour, a play based on William Blake's life and work, which is a shorter version of our 2007 play which premiered in the West End that year. Here is a the latest report written by Maureen Goodman......

The Sahaj theatre group has just spent 9 days in Turkey, giving performances in Ankara, Bursa and Istanbul. The four performances went very well and approximately 800 received their self-realisation by attending.

The welcome and generosity of our Turkish brothers and sisters knew no bounds: it was stupendous and overwhelming! In Istanbul we stayed in their ashram but they booked us into hotels in Ankara and Bursa so that we could be comfortable and keep together.  On arrival we found Mother's picture, candles, fruit, nuts and sweets set out in our rooms, together with footsoak bowls and salt. All our needs were taken care of, and we were showered with presents on arrival, during our visit and on leaving: such open hearts were a lesson to us all, and very touching.

The Turkish yogis had prepared everything exceedingly well for us, including contact with the media. We had various interviews with TV companies and the press which resulted in excellent coverage during the run of the play.

TEV interviewed in Ankara:

The first few minutes of the transmission are on another subject, but keep going and you will see some familiar faces, with the translation ably done by a Turkish yogini.

TEV's site for the tour: This includes our trailer for the show.

And that was not all! After the last performance in Istanbul, an Iraqi actor who works in the Ministry of Culture in Northern Iraq came backstage and invited us to perform in his country. Please give bandhans that this will come to fruition. Jai Shri Mataji!

With much love,

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